Thursday, July 11, 2013



"Why is it that we don't always recognize the moment love begins, but we always recognize the moment it ends?"


If someone is in love with you or extremely interested in you the body language will scream volumes to you, if you are watching.The movements of the body are coming from the subconscious mind, so it can be a good monitor on how your person of interest is relating to you, feeling towards you and how much they love you. Watch for spontaneous movements of the person’s body coming in towards you, does the person bring their body close to yours spontaneously? A person who is in love with you has a need to have their body close to yours. Does the person slightly touch your arm to make a point or emphasis something they are saying? When in a crowd does the person you are with grab and hold your hand. When we are in love we naturally have a desire for our physical bodies to be close to the physical body of the person that we are feeling love for. When speaking to you is the person’s body language open to you - can you almost see their body inviting you in to hear what they have to say? Does your interested person touch you, come up and give you a hug. Our bodies follow our thoughts and feelings, so watch the body language of the person you are with and also monitor your own towards the other person.

A person in love with you or strongly interested'' cannot not'' communicate with you. You will findout the person will spontaneously send you a text for no apparent reason, call you to discuss something that happened at work. Contact is  always heightened in the beginning of every relationship when everyone is still on their good behaviour but as the months and years unfold love still keeps a desire in the person’s heart to communicate with you. In essence, you become best friends and best friends share intimate moments, interesting moments, and surprising news. It is not always how many times a person makes contact with you but the nature of the content. So, don't panic if your love interest isn't emailing you, texting you or phoning you a few times a day. We are looking for overall behaviour that shows - I'm into you! Now, worth mentioning that amount of "contact" can be determined by the type of boyfriend/girlfriend you have so look for the quality of the content of the contact. For example: if you are dating someone who is quite anal retentive or very organized they may not be the type of person who are into constant contact because they prioritize their day. Again, it isn't how often but what the content or the reason for the contact that dictates how a person feels about you.

Holidays/Special Occasions
Eventually if you become a couple you will begin the process of spending holidays together and inviting each other to special occasions with either work, family or friends. When a person is in love with you they want to be a part of your life and they want you to be a part of their life. It is a natural  step in the forming of a relationship. Meeting family, which is still considered "the big one" can take time so be patient if you haven't gotten to that step yet. But, spending time together on special days will just come naturally when you are both in love with one another. The person in love with you may begin mentioning about doing something with your friends - a great sign that this person is feeling pretty strongly for you! The person in love with you will want you to meet friends and eventually family.

I will treat lightly on this subject as everyone has their own economic barometer and these things do cost money. However, receiving that special event bouquet of flowers or a special gift is also a sign that someone loves you as it gives them the opportunity to feel thoughtful and when we are feeling thoughtful it makes us feel good about ourselves. Now, just because your girlfriend/boyfriend hasn't gotten you flowers up to this point doesn't mean that they are not in love with you,but  flowers/gifts  can be used as a barometer as to how much someone loves you.

Saying "I Love You"

Yes, an obvious sign but the actual words should also be included in all of the above. Some people may not be good on the "I Love You" part, but may be stronger in touching you, holding your hand, including you in special events of their life so take this category and combine with all of the other signs to come up with a fair take on how your person is feeling towards you. For women, these are important words to hear because they validate them, make them feel secure and loved. For the guys, step it up and say it more if you are reading this...they are important words to girls!



A person in love with you will be willing to naturally listen to you when you are babbling on and on about what a co-worker did to you at work today. Now, love dictates that you naturally have empathy and compassion towards the person that you love so a gentle caring will exist that will cause the person to naturally want to listen to your woes up to a point. Harping, nagging or being negative all of the time does not cut it! But, the person loving you should naturally want to console you, listen to you if something has hurt you and offer wise, productive advice to help you get over your woes and little day to day hurts.

 Doing Things Together
A person in love with you cannot not be without you! The person naturally wants to do things with you, go to a game, go on a trip. The person wants to spend time with you and includes you in their lives. They will mention about taking a trip to Vegas, going to Nascar the followig Sunday. When we are in love we are uplifted by the person that we love so it is natural to want to spend time with them and do things with them. The person will mention things to do or will ask if you if you would like to do something. You are a couple and this is what couples do!

you can only say you dont like kissing if you have been kissing the wrong lips. when you are in love, you would kiss your lover even if he/she just woke up, love makes you wanna eat the person you love and when you kiss him/her you will kiss very deeply with your eyes closed          

A certain degree of romance and/or romantic behaviour will exist. So much of romance is being thoughtful, attentive, and supportive but those romantic moments will happen naturally and the frequency has nothing to do with how much someone loves you. Your sexual relationship will have warmth to it, a natural flow of sexuality and desire to please the other person. That is what love does and that is what love is. At the end of the day loving someone is making them feel good about themselves as much as possible, thereby feeling good about yourself because you have made another person happy.
Cuddling is very important in every relationship. when your partner loves you he/she cannot sleep on thesame bed with you without his/her body wanting to hold yours. Cuddling is one of the sweetest parts of a relationship and it makes you feel loved and secured

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rape now attracts life imprisonment in Nigeria

The House of Representatives yesterday Tuesday March 5th approved life imprisonment for any person convicted of rape. They also approved a minimum of 20 years without an option of fine for persons convicted of gang raping someone. 

The bill, which was sponsored by Hon Abike Dabiri-Erewa, also approved 25 years imprisonment for any person who attempted to use chemical, biological or any harmful liquid on another person. (e.g pouring acid on anyone).

The bill also approved 4 years in jail or a fine not more than N200,000 or both for any person convicted of performing female circumcision and general mutilation or engaging someone to carry it out. Aiding female circumcision attracts N100, 000 or two years in jail or both.

Download Muma Gee's new hot single

Hot New Single from Muma Gee "Jikele", The African Woman Skillashy Crooner is on top of her game again and this new song will make you learn new dance steps like Kukere! Click on the link to download it to your phone within one min without stress... Hmmm i must say, she is back and better!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013




Focus on the negative.

love makes you so starry-eyed that you’ll overlook just about anything from tiny annoyances to huge character flaws.  it’s time to start thinking of some bad things to balance out the good ones. Whether this person had a tendency to interrupt people, dress badly, be rude to wait staff, listen to horrible music, show up late all the time, disrespect your belief system, or have clammy hands, anything is fair game. Write it all down. Make the list as long as you can, then dredge up as many memories as you can for each one. Doing this will help kill your idealized vision of the person.

 Get rid of mementos.

  Been hanging on to a note, a teddy bear, a series of emails and IMs, or a long-since-mummified rose? Make space for a new person in your life by letting these things go. As you go through each item, think of the memory associated with it, then imagine putting that memory in a balloon. As you get rid of the thing, imagine the balloon drifting away never to be seen again. 

Avoid memory-triggers

If you associate the person with a particular song or album, stop listening. If you always used to hang out in a certain spot, stop going. If you have a lot of mutual friends, make a point of hanging out with other people. If you still see each other regularly, stop if at all possible. (This may be difficult at work or school, but you can start by wearing headphones when they’re around, eating lunch somewhere else, walking along new routes, etc.) Don’t surround yourself with mental and emotional reminders; it’s no substitute for having the real thing and will just delay the healing.

Find creative ways to stop dwelling on the person.

  While it’s impossible to not think about something, it is possible to divert your thoughts elsewhere whenever you start to go down that rabbit hole. Every time those memories bubble up, distract yourself with another thought, activity, or project. Call a friend.  Watch a hilarious movie. Build something. Work in the garden. Do math. Find anything that will engage you far long enough to get the person off your mind for a while. The more of a habit you make of not thinking about the person, the easier it will become. Stop saying: 1) I cannot live without them; 2) I cannot stop loving them; 3) I love this person more than any other; 4) I cannot love anyone else; 5) There is no one better than this person; 6) They are perfect.

Think of everything you’ve been missing

  How long have you been in love with this person now? Months? Years? And in that time, how many opportunities for other relationships do you think you have passed up? Remember, the next love of your life is out there right now wondering when they’ll find you. Don’t waste another moment being unavailable. 

Get back in the game

Put yourself out there, meet new people, flirt, and remind yourself how great it feels to be a catch. Your confidence surely needs the boost – and when you meet someone new dont make them suffer for your past relationships,,,, 

Don’t be ashamed of having loved and lost

. In some cases, it can be impossible to stop loving someone, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Loving another person is a beautiful, selfless act, even if it doesn’t result in a relationship. With time, the hurt will lessen, you will become interested in someone else, and you’ll create new love. If there’s anything the world needs more of, it’s that. 

Keep looking for another person

. It's good option to keep looking for another person of your match. Sometime it may take time but you don't know when fortune takes your turn.

 Remember, there is always someone else in your future if you can become free from your past and you  can not be friends with someone you once loved so much, so move on!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

An Interview with Sobe Charles - Producer of Tale of Sorrow (TOO EXCLUSIVE)

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Sobe Charles , One of the fast rising Nollywood film producers and the Producer of Tale of Sorrow which was nominated for African in Motion film festival (AIM) scotland..

I'm happy to have u here today. Can you tell my readers alittle about yourself? 

- Thanks for having me. My name is Sobe Charles. 

So what do you do?

- Well, I am a filmmaker, I write, Produce and act......but currently just finished taking courses on Directing so will add that to my CV soon too *smiles*

How many movies have you produced. (As a producer or as an actor?)

- As a producer ...well basically 3. 2 short films, Tale Of Sorrow, which was nominated for African in Motion Film festival (AIM) Scotland best short film in 2012, then I went ahead to produce a short film on Climate change titled My duty for African Climate Change Center Scotland. 
I just finished my first featured film titled PATHS which starred the likes of Ken Erics, Chinwe Owoh, Queen Wokoma, Alex Paschaline and whole lot of others. It will soon be released for public viewing.

What lessons have you learnt so far from producing movies?

- I think the lessons I have learnt is from marketing and distribution. I thought shooting a film was not difficult until I gave it a trial. So, I have learnt how to plan ahead of time in the area of marketing and distribution. I have learnt how to work hard and to have patience.

When and how did you get involved in making this movie.

- Well I started in 2003 when I joined Association of Movie practitioners at Onitsha, then Ifeanyi Azodo was the president of the Association. My friend who knew that I have always been interested in Acting took there..from there my journey started.
So how has it been?
- So far so good, initially I started up as an actor, after so many years on the sideline, I decided is time to take the bull by the horn. So when I finished from Pefti I started up my own Production outfit, Sterling Entertainment and so far we are getting better by the day.

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

- Well I will say Funding.. Though we are getting there but our government, and cooperate bodies are yet to recognize the potentials in Nollywood. We need more sponsors to make good films that can compete favorably with Hollywood. We are talented and hard working we just need the funding and thats it, but like I said we are getting there.

In your own terms what does a movie producer actually do?
- Well I will say basically, he oversees a production from the pre-production to the Post-production.

Are there  times you get tired?

- Of course, sometimes you think the whole thing has gotten to an end. You will feel like quitting. But as such time, I try to encourage myself without looking at people’s faces. As I always tell people that success is doing what you like doing. Even though there is no money from it, you are happy anytime you see that. There is this inner joy and satisfaction you will derive and that has always been pushing me forward.

What are the qualities you look out before casting someone in a movie?

- Talent and delivery having in mind the character on the script,once U fit into d character and your good its yours. I don't believe in this Nigeria super star syndrome, I believe any great actor is a star and just needs an opportunity and that's actually the idea behind Sterling Entertainment.

Thank you for you're time sir, i look forward to seeing more masterpieces from your production team.

- Its always a pleasure , thanks for having me here.